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Tips and Tricks #14 - Accounts Receivable Viewing and Managing Open Items
In previous Tips & Tricks we have been covering system and infrastructure things within PBS, providing help across the board over multiple applications to get the most out of the system. In this installment we are covering PBS Accounts Receivable and several features/techniques, allowing you to view Open Items in different ways, solving problems and keeping the AR “cleaned up” in an
efficient manner. Viewing “Customer Open Items” from the View menu (in older versions of PBS under the View menu this may be
called “Customers”). You will see this:
Eliminating the middle portion of the screen and enlarging the focus on information for our purposes:
By default this list is sorted by document date, which means that the two payments at the bottom of the screen are not near the invoices they are paying. Notice at the very bottom of this screen a list of special display option function keys:
By default, the on-screen data is sort as if <F2> had been touched. However, for convenience in analyzing what the relationships are amongst the various transactions, several other options are available.
<SF6> Sorts all items by apply-to number, which means any payments that have been applied to an invoice (or other document) will be positioned right after that document:
Notice that the two payments now immediately follow the invoices that they have been applied to and all the data is sorted by apply-to. This screen is particularly useful when there have been partial payments and it may not be obvious that the invoices and payment should be matching or what the net of the several invoice(s) plus payment(s) should be. This becomes even more important when there are partial payments and possibly debits and credits all applying to the same transaction/apply-to set. So for invoice 22001 below there has been a credit and debit and a payment applied. Seen in the <F2>(default) view i.e. sorted by Doc date this looks like:
Jumbled in with the other transactions for that customer, it can be hard to follow the “logic” of what happened to a particular invoice. However, sorted by Apply-to number <SF6>:
This sort is in apply-to sequence based on date, allowing all transactions applying to one invoice be brought together and the historical time-line is much clearer.
Two other function keys offer similar benefit. For example, <SF2> and <F5> show the net open for all the transactions in one apply-to group:
Note also that invoice 121930 which had a partial pay of 3,000 shows the net outstanding as well.
As these are function key operations, you can jump around using one then another, adjusting the view to make the most sense of what you are looking at. For example, you might start by using <SF2> to see the partial paids and then use <SF6> to expand all the transaction/apply-to sets, displaying the details of how the net for each was arrived at
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