Shop Floor Control/Manufacturing Job Costing Training Video Outline
Setting up Control Information:
Setting up Master Information for Manufacturing Job Costing and Shop Floor Control
Relationships and New Concepts Introduced:
Shop Order relationship to Shop Floor Control
Manufacturing Job Cost and new functions/concepts introduced.
Additional contributions from Shop Floor Control to the Sales Order processing, i.e., routing (bar coded or not), releasing, and generating schedules.
Collecting labor
Importing from external source
Reports and displays
Shop Order Operation Status - Quickly find the status of any shop order in production
Item Operation History - Find out how long it's really taking to produce items and adjust your standard times accordingly.
Employee Reports in Shop Floor Control - This includes an overview of several employee related reports including employee labor, employee efficiency and much more.
Work Center Dispatch Lists - A report and display that provides detailed schedules by department and work center.
Work Center Load Reporting - Basic capacity planning
Manufacturing Job Cost Open and Closed Job Summary - See your actual costs on specific jobs compared to estimated costs.